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Paying for your Stall

Our stall booking system is fully automated. You can pay via Stripe – our company name is Sustainable Company (Yorkshire) Ltd. Our payment portals are fully secure. The full event details will be viewable upon booking, you will see our average footfall and the location of the event you have selected.  Once selected you can then choose the correct stall. If a stall type says it is sold out then you will not be able to book, please select a different stall type to book onto that event.

Please ensure you have booked the correct stall size, make sure you measure your rails and tables to see if they fit into the space you have paid for.

Important notice

Once you have paid for your stall the booking fee and stall payment is non-refundable. The system will allocate your booking to the stall type and location you have requested.


You will receive an email from to show you have booked a stall.  The email will give you all the booking info you need including set up times and parking details. If you lose this email you can also view these details at any point by logging into your account page and clicking on the event you have booked.  In the account area you can also find a copy of your booking receipt.

First time traders / finding your booking history / downloading receipts

When you start trading with us you’ll receive an invitation to your trader account. You must fill out your trader account details to receive information about all our events and how to book pages. This is where you can see what you have booked, what’s been paid, and what is still owing, plus where you can download receipts for your financial records.

Company bank details

The Sustainable Company (Yorkshire) LTD

General Info

Booking’s Office Hours are limited
If you contact us then you may not receive a response immediately. Please allow up to 4 days.

T: 07921 236426

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